Taking business coaching to the next level!

Mission Statement

The International Coaching Association (ICA) consists of an independent, international network of professors, top-coaches and assessment-specialists.

Our mission is to raise the standard of coaching around the globe.

To achieve this mission, standards which differentiate “good coaching” from “bad coaching” are continuously developed within the ICA.

At the same time, diagnostic devices to analyze coaches’ performance are permanently designed and adjusted.

Assessment Criteria

With the help of its international network, the ICA continuously defines standards for coaching excellence. These standards also serve as assessment criteria to evaluate coaching competence. The six key factors of success for professional business coaching are:

  • Perception of the coaching client
  • Consideration of the client’s context
  • Communication
  • Rapport-building
  • Focus on process and result
  • Self-Reflection

Services offered by the ICA

Quality standards developed by the ICA guarantee an objective, scientific and practical evaluation of coaching-qualification.

With professional, taylor-made assessment-centers, the relevant skills of a coach are diagnosed by the ICA. This service by the ICA is offered to various target groups:

  • Companies which want to diagnose the coaching competence of external coaches before adding them to their inhouse“ coach pool”. More Information
  • Training institutes, which want an independent assessment of their participants’ coaching potential at the end of a coaching training course. More Information
  • Individual coaches who want a professional and scientifically valid proof of their coaching skills
    The four important advantages of the ICA. More Information

In comparison with the certification-process of many other coaching-organizations, the ICA has four significant advantages:

1. International Experts: The ICA consists of specialists from different countries and with heterogeneous academic and professional backgrounds. Thus, it takes Coaching to a global level.

2. Scientific Approach: Coaching competence is analyzed with valid tools only. There is scientific evidence, that the results of assessment centers are objective, reliable and valid indicators of coaching performance.

3. Objective Criteria: The observations of the ICA during an assessment center are based on transparent behavioral indicators. Every participant receives a quantitative and qualitative feedback in a written report. Needless to say, the ICA is independent and neutral in its evaluations.

4. Affordable Fees: With a fee of 750€ including an individual assessment center and a report, the international approved certification is much more affordable than other organizations’ certifications.

Board of Examiners

President of the ICA:

Dipl. Computer Scientist (univ.) Thomas Salzberger
Accredited coach (dvct) and NLP-trainer (DVNLP, INLPTA)

Other members of the ICA Board of Examiners:

Dipl.-Psych. Udo P. Bittner
Management-trainer and coach

Dr. Susanne Dietz
Human Resources Manager of time:matters GmbH

Maximilian Fritz
Professional Business Coach

Dipl.-Soz.-Päd. Klaus Frommer-Eisenlohr
NLP-trainer and instructor

Prof. Dr. Nello Gaspardo
Professor of ESB Business School in Reutlingen

Dipl. Psych. Silvia Hägele
Human resource manager of Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services GmbH

Paul Kinobi
Principal Director Africa Mentoring Institute

Hartmul Kissel
Certified Systemic Coach

Gerd Kulhavy
CEO of Speakers Excellence

Amélie Prebeck
Certified Systemic Coach

John Nicol
Nokia Siemens – Process Transformation Manager, Solutions Focus Consultant & Coach

Dr. Dr. Wolf Ruede-Wissmann
Author and management-coach

Peter Schreuder
Managing Partner “XPERSO”

Robert C. Summers, M.A.
Certified Systemic Business Coach (dvct)

Dr. Martin Emrich
Certified Coach and Keynote Speaker

ICA Coaches

You find here the coaches who have passed the ICA credentialing program and have agreed to appear on this site.

The credentialed ICA coaches appear in the left coloumn in alphabetical order.

Feel free to contact the coaching experts via their websites to ask for their specific services and fees.

ICA Trainers

You find here the trainers, speakers and facilitators who have passed the ICA credentialing program and have agreed to appear on this site.

The credentialed ICA trainers appear in the left coloumn in alphabetical order.

Feel free to contact the training experts via their websites to ask for their specific services and fees.

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